Below is an incomplete list of talks I have given, along with any relevant slides or handouts.
- “Fictional Modality and the Intensionality of Fictional Contexts”, Online Philosophy/Semantics of Fiction reading group, February 2025.
- “Christine Ladd-Franklin: Logician, Philosopher, or Psychologist?”, World Logic Day Symposium, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, January 2025 — slides.
- “Why Logic Matters,” World Logic Day lecture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, January 2025 — recording, slides.
- “Fiction Writing as Philosophical Methodology”, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, January 2025 — recording.
- “History of Logic,” World Logic Day lecture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, January 2025 — recording.
- “What Logical Consequence Could, Could Not, Should, and Should Not Be,” paper discussion/reading group, Grupo de Filosofia da Lógica e da Linguagem, Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil, December 2024 — paper.
- “Logic as Liberation, or, Logic, Feminism, and Being a Feminist in Logic”, Logic and Feminism, Bergen, Norway, December 2024 — paper.
- “‘Bad grammar as well as bad logic’: Christine Ladd-Franklin on Bertrand Russell,” (joint work with Benjamin Steer), Australasian Association for Logic, Sydney, Australia, November 2024 — slides, recording.
- “Logic Teaching as Feminist Practice”, Feminist Analytic Philosophy, Dortmund, Germany, October 2024.
- “Why History of Logic Should Matter to Modern Logicians”, International Conference on History of Logic in Global Perspective, Guangzhou, China, September 2024.
- “When Medieval Logic Was (or Was not) Relevant?”, roundtable participant, International Conference on History of Logic in Global Perspective, Guangzhou, China, September 2024.
- “An Aretaic Approach to Deontic Logic,” (with Joshua Yarrow), Advances in Modal Logic, Prague, Czechia, August 2024 — slides.
- “The History and Future of Logic,” PIKSI-Logic, Boston, MA, USA, July-August 2024.
- “What History of Logic Can Teach Us About the Future of Logic,” Summer School for Widening Participation in Mathematical Philosophy, Munich, Germany, July 2024.
- “What Logical Consequence Could, Could Not, Should, and Should Not Be,” Symposium II: Logical Consequence, Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Birmingham, England, July 2024.
- “Fiction Writing as Philosophical Methodology,” HCSPiP 2024, Hamilton College, Hamilton, NY, June-July 2024.
- “The Quest for Logical Consequence in the Middle Ages,” keynote, 2nd International Conference on Logic and Philosophy, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2024 — slides.
- “Why History of Logic Should Matter to Modern Logicians,” Ciclo de Seminários Online, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, May 2024 — recording.
- “Logic, Neurodiversity and Gender,” Amplifying Underrepresented Voices in Formal Philosophy, London, April 2024.
- “Logic as Liberation,” Philosophy of Psychiatry and Lived Experience, London, April 2024.
- “Logic and Feminist Philosophy,” guest lecture, Brimingham University, April 2024.
- “Fiction Writing as Philosophical Methodology”, 28th Annual SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, April 2024 — slides.
- “‘Proof Theory’ in the Middle Ages”, Proofs, Rules, and Meanings, St Andrews, Scotland, April 2024 — slides.
- “Christine Ladd-Franklin: Logician or Psychologist?”, Women in Analytic Philosophy: Past and Present, Warsaw, Poland, February 2024 — slides.
- “About the Future / About the Past: Diodorus’s Master Argument”, Is, Ought, and Other Barriers to Entailment, Online, January 2024 — slides.
- “What Can Philosophy Tell Us About Fiction — And What Can Fiction Tell Us About Philosophy?”, Esher Sixth Form College, Surrey, England, December 2023.
- “Why the History of Logic [and Philosophy!] Should Matter to Modern Logicians [and Philosophers!]”, Arché Plenary Seminar, St Andrews, Scotland, November 2023.
- “Doing Business Without Capitalism: Decision Frameworks and Moral Effect,” 30th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 2023 — slides.
- “Fiction Writing as Philosophical Methodology,” 13th International Principia Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, August 2023 — slides.
- “The Role of History of Logic / Historical Logic in the Study of Modern Logics,” XII Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2023.
- “Obligationes: A Method for Analyzing Paradoxes,” Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2023 — slides.
- “The Historical Origins of Proofs Theory”, Proof Theory Summer School, Barcelona, Spain, July 2023.
- “Logic, Feminism, and Being a Feminist in Logic,” Logica, Tepla, Czechia, June 2023 — slides.
- “A Book from A to Z: Project Management of the Publication Process” aka “Doing Business Without Capitalism”, Durham MBA, Durham, England, June 2023 — slides.
- “Some Reflections on the History of Connexive Logic”, 7th Workshop on Connexive Logic, Mexico City, Mexico, October 2022 — slides, recording.
- “Women and Logic: Where We’re At, How We Got Here”, Brazilian Logic Conference, Salvador, Brazil, September 2022 — slides.
- “Women and the Study of Logic in the Middle Ages,” International Medieval Mind Conference, Lincoln, UK, July 2022 — slides.
- “Christine Ladd-Franklin and the Syllogistic Problem She Solved”, Syllogism and Argumentation, June 2022 — slides.
- “John Eliot’s Logick Primer: A bilingual English-Massachusett logic textbook”, Australasian Association for Logic, June 2022 — slides.
- “What is ‘Puritan Logic’?”, PAP World Logic Day Event on Logic and Religion, January 2022 — slides.
- “John Eliot’s Logick Primer: A bilingual English-Wôpanâak logic textbook”, Nordic Online Logic Seminar November 2021.
- “John Eliot’s Logick Primer: A bilingual English-Algonquian logic textbook”, Online Logic Seminar, Illinois, USA, November 2021.
- “John Eliot’s Logick Primer: A bilingual English-Algonquian logic textbook”, CUNY Logic & Metaphysics Workshop, New York, USA, November 2021.
- “Women in the History of Logic: Why it Matters Who Our Foremothers Are”, Logic Colloquium, July 2021.
- “Building a History of Women in Logic”, Society for the Study of Analytic Philosophy, July 2021.
- “Women in the History of Logic: Why it Matters Who Our Foremothers Are”, Women in Logic workshop, July 2021.
- “William of Sherwood on Necessity and Contingency”, Advances in Modal Logic, Helsinki, Finland (virtual), August 2020 — slides.
- “What Problem Did Ladd-Franklin (Think She) Solve(d)?”, Women in Logic workshop, Paris, France (virtual), June 2020 — slides.
- “Why You, Not a Medievalist, Should be Interested in Medieval Logic”, Joint Mathematics and Philosophy Logic Seminar, Leeds, England, October 2019 — slides.
- “First and Second Intentions in Paul of Venice”, invited talk, Double Intentionality: Historical and Phenomenological Perspectives, Würzburg, Germany, September 2019 — slides.
- “Names: Form and Function in Worldbuilding and Conlangs”, An Irish WorldCon: The World Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, Dublin, Ireland, August 2019.
- “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Medieval Logic But Were Too Embarrassed to Ask”, keynote, Twelfth Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Cambridge, England, January 2019 — slides.
- “What Problem Did Ladd-Franklin (Think She) Solve(d)?”, King’s College Philosophy Seminar Series, London, England, January 2019 — slides.
- “Epistemic Reduction: The Case of Arthapatti“, Durham Undergraduate Philosophy Society, Durham, England, October 2018 — slides.
- “The Logic of (Where and) While in the 13th and 14th Centuries”, Queen Mary University of London, London, England, September 2018 — slides.
- Untitled working paper at a workshop on arthapatti, Singapore, August 2018.
- “Augurative and Commemorative Names in Early 14th-Century Imola”, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2018 — slides.
- “Writing Speculative Fiction: Tips, Hints, Tricks, Pitfalls, Successes”, Outside the Box: Communicating Philosophy to a Wide Audience, Antwerp, Belgium, June 2018 — slides.
- “The Ways in Which We Can Learn from Medieval Logic”, Medieval Logic and its Contemporary Relevance, St. Andrews, Scotland, April 2018.
- “Silencing Voices: Women, Self-Censorship, and Logic in the Middle Ages”, Feminist Philosophy & Formal Logic, Minneapolis, MN, USA, April 2018.
- “Revisiting ‘Puritan’ Names in England, 1550-1600”, Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland Annual Conference, Arran, Scotland, April 2018 — slides.
- “Introduction to the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources“, International Conference on Onomastic Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary, August 2017 — slides.
- “History of logic vs. historical logic”, Summer School in Methodology in the History of Philosophy, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 2017.
- “Medieval Women and the Adversariality of Logic”, Castle Feminist Society Undergraduate Conference, Durham, England, June 2017.
- “Plot as argument, argument as plot”, British Society of Aesthetics Workshop: Fiction Writing for Philosophers, Oxford, England, June 2017.
- “The Syllogisms in Paul of Venice’s Logica Magna“, British Society for the History of Philosophy, Sheffield, England, April 2017 — slides.
- “Integrating critical skills into philosophical study”, Theology & Philosophy Teachers’ Conference, Durham, England, April 2017 — slides.
- “What makes a lie a lie?”, Invention of Lying, Leiden, The Netherlands, January 2017 — slides.
- “The logic of (where and) while in the 13th and 14th centuries”, Advances in Modal Logic, Budapest, Hungary, September 2016 — slides.
- “The logic of while in the 13th and 14th centuries”, Logic Colloquium, Leeds, England, August 2016 — slides.
- “Against truth-conditional theories of meaning: Lessons from the language(s) of fiction”, Australasian Association for Philosophy, Melbourne, Australia, July 2016 — slides.
- “Why should we care about history of logic?”, Australasian Association for Logic, Melbourne, Australia, June 2016 (keynote) — slides.
- “Women and Logic in the Middle Ages”, Women in the History of Philosophy, Cambridge, England, June 2016 (invited) — slides.
- “Why is interactivity so important?”, Roots of Deduction Closing Workshop, Groningen, the Netherlands, April 2016 (invited) — slides.
- “Medieval Women and the Adversariality of Logic”, International Women’s Day Conference, Durham, England, March 2016 — slides.
- “Introduction to the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources“, KRDB Seminar, Bolzano, Italy, December 2015 (invited).
- “Criteria for identity, Or, when are two incipit/desinit sophismata the same?” Limit Decision Problems, Berlin, Germany, November 2015 (invited).
- “Where are the women in medieval logic?”, Colloquium in Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Münich, Germany, November 2015 (invited) — video.
- “Where are the women in medieval logic?”, British Logic Colloquium, Cambridge, England, September 2015.
- “Introduction to the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources“, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2015.
- “Gwendolyn, Rowena, Rhiannon, and Morgana: ‘Medieval’ names vs. medieval names”, The Middle Ages in the Modern World, Lincoln, England, June 2015.
- “Possible impossibilities in medieval logic”, Prague Workshop on Scholastic Logic, Prague, the Czech Republic, May 2015 (invited).
- “Knowledge, uncertainty, and ignorance”, Dagstuhl Seminar 15521, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, May 2015 (invited).
- “Paul of Venice on the objects and conditions of knowledge”, Wyclif and the Realist Tradition in 14th-Century Logic, St. Andrews, Scotland, May 2015 (invited).
- “Reasoning about uncertainty”, 4th Reasoning Club Meeting, Manchester, England, March 2015 (invited).
- “Syllogisms beyond the categorical: Modal, miscellaneous, irregular”, Workshop on Modal Syllogistics, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2014 (invited).
- “The Legitimacy of inference: Argumentation strategy in Ratnakīrti’s Ĩsvarasādhanadūṣaṇam“, 5th International Dharmakĩrti Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2014.
- “Intuitionistic provability and the structuralist account of modal operators”, Advances in Modal Logic, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 2014.
- “Reasoning about obligations in obligationes: A formal approach”, Advances in Modal Logic, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 2014.
- “The Legitimacy of Inference: Argumentation Strategy in Ratnakīrti’s Ĩsvarasādhanadūṣaṇam“, Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2014.
- “Paradoxes and propositions which relate to themselves”, European Symposium in Medieval Logic and Semantics, Cambridge, England, June 2014 (with Benedikt Löwe).
- “Medieval modal logic: What is it, where can you find it, and what can you do with it once you’ve got it”, Modality and Modalities 2014, Lund, Sweden, May 2014 (invited).
- “Introduction to Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources“, Method and Applications Digital Humanities | Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2014.
- “A 14th-century puzzle about uncertainty: Epistemology, dynamics, and monotonicity”, VII Navarra Workshop on Vagueness, Pamplona, Spain, December 2013.
- “Pragmatic self-refutation in dialectical contexts: The discussion in six points (ṣaṭkoṭiko vadah) in Nāgārjuna’s Vigrahavyavartani“, Logic and Culture: Theories of Logic in Buddhist, Muslim, and Aristotelian Scholastics, Lumbini, Nepal, November 2013.
- “The relationship between epistemic logic and epistemology in Paul of Venice”, Joint SAGP/SSIPS conference, New York City, NY, October 2013.
- “The logic of syncategorematic and categorematic infinity”, Foundations of the Formal Sciences VIII, Cambridge, England, September 2013.
- “Formal modeling: What is it all about?”, When Buddhists Argue Against a Hindu God, Procida, Italy, September 2013.
- “Medieval insights for the semantics of exceptives”, International Congress of Linguists, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2013. Poster (with Rachel Boddy).
- “Actions, reasoning, and epistemology: What can medieval obligationes contribute to modern modal logic?”, The Middle Ages in the Modern World, St. Andrews, Scotland, June 2013.
- “Sit verum disputations and counterfactual reasoning”, Unum Verum Bonum, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2013.
- “Epistemic modalities, scope distinctions, and rigid designation”, Modal Logic in the Middle Ages, St. Andrews, Scotland, November 2012.
- “A 14th century puzzle about uncertainty”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 2012.
- “Building a formal framework for reasoning about knowledge in medieval disputations”, 6th eColloq on Argumentation, November 2012.
- “Formal modeling: What is it all about?”, Formal Modeling and Indian Logic II, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2012.
- “Epistemic modalities in obligationes“, Modality and Modal Logic in Medieval Philosophy, London, Canada, October 2012.
- “Philosophy of mathematics: The quest for certainty”, Vrije Radicalen: Imaginair Complex, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2012 (invited).
- “The logic of St. Anselm: Agency and modality”, Sapientia Ludenda, Tilburg, The Netherlands, October 2012 (invited).
- “Possible impossibilities in medieval logic”, What is Really Possible 2, Konstanz, Germany, September 2012.
- “Paul of Venice on a puzzle about uncertainty”, Advances in Modal Logic 9, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2012.
- “Semantic rules in two 13th-century treatises on supposition”, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2012.
- “More than formality: the role of dialectical contexts in medieval logic”, 19th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2012.
- “Modal logic in the Metalogicon“, New Perspectives on John of Salisbury, Durham, England, April 2012.
- “Coerced shift of noun denotations: Two thirteenth century views (part 2)”, Research Seminar in Logic and Language, Tilburg, The Netherlands, April 2012.
- “Coerced shift of noun denotations: Two thirteenth century views (part 1)”, Research Seminar in Logic and Language, Tilburg, The Netherlands, April 2012.
- “Coerced shift of noun denotations: two thirteenth century views”, Semantics & Pragmatics Colloquium, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, March 2012.
- “Paul of Venice on a puzzle about uncertainty”, Logic and Interactive Rationality seminar, Tilburg, The Netherlands, March 2012.
- “Modal logic in the Middle Ages”, Swiss Graduate Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2011.
- “Medieval logic and modern logic: the role and process of formalization”, Research Seminar Logic and Language, Tilburg, The Netherlands, September 2011.
- “First figure syllogisms with mixed necessary and contingent premises–some remarks”, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2011.
- “Faithfulness: On the proper method of building formal models for pre-modern logical theories”, Logical Modeling: The Interface Between the Formal and the Empirical, Nancy, France, July 2011.
- “The rise of the middle class: Inherited bynames in 14th-Century London”, International Medieval Congress, July 2011.
- “Lorenzen dialogue games as logical semantics”, Researcher’s Seminar of the Theory and Logic Group, June 2011.
- “Formal tools for modeling obligationes, Formal Models and Indian Logic, May 2011.
- “Logic and interaction in the Middle Ages”, VvL Symposium Logic and Culture, April 2011.
- “Logic and interaction in the Middle Ages”, VvL Symposium Logic and Culture, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2011 (invited).
- “John of Salisbury and Thomas Becket: 12th century views on the relationship between Church and State”, Science in Perspective: Intellect and Power course, Universiteit van Amsterdam, March 2011 (invited).
- “Lorenzen dialogue games as logical semantics”, Inside Arguments, March 2011.
- “Indian logic and medieval western logic: The interactive and epistemological turn”, 4th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications, January 2011.
- “Dynamics and dialogues in medieval logic”, LogICCC Meets India, January 2011.
- “A curious dialogical logic and its composition problem”, Dialogues, Inference, and Proof–Logical and Empirical Perspectives, November 2010.
- “Obligationes: Medieval logic disputation games”, Pearls of Logic Colloquium, Roskilde University, November 2010.
- “Formal models for philosophy beyond Europe: a look at the logician’s toolkit”, University of Heidelberg, October 2010 (invited).
- “Modal syllogistics”, Extended Logic course, Universiteit van Amsterdam, October 2010 (invited).
- “Strategy and manipulation in medieval elections”, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam, October 2010.
- “Faithfulness: On discriminating between competing formal models of logical theories”, Logic and Language Seminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam, October 2010.
- “Proof rules for the dialogical logic N”, 17th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, October 2010.
- “Faithfulness: On the proper method of building formal models for pre-modern logical theories”, 9th National Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, September 2010.
- “Interactive logic, the medieval way”, Logic, Rationality and Reasoning, September 2010.
- “Strategy and manipulation in medieval elections”, Computational Social Choice, September 2010.
- “A simple semantics for Aristotelian apodeictic syllogistics”, Advances in Modal Logic, August 2010.
- “Obligationes as formal dialogue systems” (short version), 5th European Starting AI Researcher Symposium, August 2010.
- “Obligationes as formal dialogue systems” (long version), Computational Models of Natural Argument X, August 2010.
- “Deceit and nondefeasible knowledge: The case of dubitatio“, Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory 2010, July 2010.
- “Computing with concepts, computing with numbers: Llull, Leibniz, & Boole”, Computability in Europe 2010, July 2010.
- “Medieval logic and Indian logic: The interactive and epistemological turn”, Modern Formalisms for Pre-Modern Indian Logic and Epistemology, June 2010.
- “Italian given names from early 14th-century Imola”, 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2010.
- “Philosophy of mathematics: The quest for certainty”, Leve de Wiskunde!, April 2010.
- “Dialogical properties of obligationes“, Modeling Interaction, Dialog, Social Choice, and Vagueness, March 2010.
- “A dynamic epistemic logic approach to modeling Obligationes“, Logic and Interactive Rationality, March 2010.
- “Obligationes: dialogues or games?”, Dialogues and Games: Historical Roots and Contemporary Models, February 2010.
- “Indian logic and medieval western logic: some comparative remarks”, A Day of Indian Logic, November 2009.
- “Logic and the condemnations of 1277”, International Medieval Congress, July 2009.
- “John Buridan’s Sophismata and interval temporal semantics”, ILLC Logic Tea, May 2009.
- “Medieval logic: an overview”, Geschiedenis van de Logica course, Universiteit Utrecht, May 2009 (invited).
- “Anselm’s logical writings in the context of recent trends in logic”, Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy Conference, April 2009.
- “Dialogue games before Lorenzen: A brief introduction to obligationes“, LogICCC Launch Conference, October 2008.
- “Three 13th-century views of quantified modal logic”, Advances in Modal Logic, September 2008.
- “What is the point of obligationes?”, Leeds Medieval Congress 2008, July 2008.
- “Temporal logic in Lambert of Auxerre’s De suppositionibus“, 17th European Symposium in Medieval Logic and Semantics, June 2008.
- “Deontic logic in the Lambeth Fragments of Anselm of Canterbury”, RUC-ILLC Workshop on Deontic Logic, November 2007.
- “The changing scope of logic”, 12th International SIEPM Congress of Medieval Philosophy, September 2007.
- “Anselm’s logic of agency”, Square of Opposition International Conference, May-June, 2007.
- “Buridan’s token propositions as a hybrid logic”, Bonn Philosophical Logic Colloquium, December 2006.
- “The changing scope of logic: Recasting the logica vetus/logica nova distinction”, Middeleeuwse en Moderne Logica: Een Ontmoeting, November 2006.
- “Roger Swyneshed’s notion of self-falsification and modern approaches to Fitch’s paradox”, 16th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, September 2006.
- “So you want to do historical logic? What you need to know about how historical logic differs from modern logic”, Core Logic course, Universiteit van Amsterdam, September 2006.
- “Paraconsistent logic in Ockham’s Summa totius logicae“, Logic Colloquium, July 2006.
- “Modal and temporal logics for integral space-time: A survey of known results and open problems”, ILLC Logic Tea, February 2006.
- “Modal and temporal logics for integral space-time: A survey of known results and open problems”, International Workshop in Branching Space-Times, October 2005.
- “12th-16th century names from Southwestern Switzerland”, Known World Heraldic Symposium, July 2005.
2004 and before
- “Names of aliens in London, 1571”, Known World Heraldic Symposium, June 2004.
- “A response to the case against compositionality: Universal sufficient applicability conditions” 7th Annual SUNY-Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, April 2002.
- Comment on Charissa R. van der Merwe’s “Plato’s Mysticism”, 7th Annual SUNY-Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, April 2002.
- “14th-16th century Dutch names and naming practices”, Known World Heraldic Symposium, June 2001.