What is Logic?
What is Logic?
This is the homepage of my draft textbook, What is Logic?. The DRAFT status of this book is very important: Portions of it are substantially incomplete. If, however, you find any errors, please let me know.
There is a supplementary series of youtube videos covering content in this book.
Recent updates:
- 2025-02-03: Uploaded draft 2025-02-03; this version adds references for the DeMorgan quote in Chapter 6.
- 2024-04-04: Uploaded draft 2024-04-04; this version adds Section 10.6.
- 2023-05-05: Uploaded draft 2023-05-05; this version adds more exercises to Exercise 73, explicitly mentions the copulae in the syllogistic mnenomic in Chapter 6, and adds Example 8.2.22.